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Title IX


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Faculty and Staff Resources

Benefits all eligible employees, as well as anyone in their household. This program includes confidential emotional support, mental health counseling, work-life solutions, legal guidance, and financial resources.

Phone: 800-272-7255

eap flyer

The University of Southern Mississippi does not discriminate in its admission practices, employment practices, educational programs, or activities on the basis of sex/gender. Sex/gender includes sex, sex stereotypes, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and pregnancy or parenting status. The University also prohibits retaliation against any person opposing discrimination or participating in any discrimination investigation or complaint/grievance process internally or externally. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking are forms of sex discrimination, which are prohibited under Title IX and by USM’s Title IX Sexual Harassment policy. Reports of misconduct, questions regarding Title IX, and concerns about noncompliance should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator. For a complete copy of the policy or for more information, please contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Assistant Secretary of Education within the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).  

Cristin Lee Reynolds M.Ed. 

Interim Title IX Coordinator 

129 Cook Library, HBG Campus 

Work Phone: 601.266.6804  



Office for Civil Rights 

U.S. Department of Education 

1999 Bryan Street, Suite 1620 

Dallas, TX 75201-6810 


 Rights and Resources for International and Immigrants 

The Violence Against Women Act requires that institutions provide written notice to students and employees about “existing counseling, health, mental health, victim advocacy, legal assistance, visa and immigration assistance, student financial aid, and other services available for victims, both within the institution and in the community.

The State University of New York System (SUNY) worked with immigration law to develop a two-page, plain-language resource that describes additional rights and resources available to immigrant and international student victims/survivors of violence.

If you need this the Title IX Policy and Procedures translated into a different language, please email so that we can check to see if we can provide the content in the language that you need.   

Translations are the copyright of the State University of New York and are used with permission" and include a link to the SAVR page, SUNY SAVR Resources. We are grateful to the New York State Department of Health for its support of these translations.

Pregnant and Parenting Student Rights

TITLE IX: Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education and in programs and activities that receive federal funding including:

· Pregnancy;

· False pregnancy;

· Termination of pregnancy;

· Recovery from above listed medical conditions.


A pregnant or parenting student has the right to stay in school so she can meet her educational goals.


If a student is unable to attend classes or complete academic requirements due to a medical condition related to pregnancy or childbirth, the University will provide that student medical accommodations consistent with services to students who have a temporary disability. The Office of Disability Accommodations (ODA) will assist the student with all reasonable accommodations to keep his or her academic progress on track.

Those who have documentation signed by a physician requesting a pregnancy-related accommodation based on medical necessity can seek assistance from the Office of Disability Accommodations (ODA). The Office of Disability Accommodations will review the request issued by the physician to confirm that the criteria for accommodation has been met, and will work with the student to identify reasonable accommodations, including, but not limited to:

· Providing preferential seating;

· Allowing the student to sit or stand as needed;

· Using a voice recorder;

· Taking extra time to take tests, quizzes and/or to complete in-class assignments;

· Excusing absences due to pregnancy or childbirth;

· Making up missed assignments;

· Extending assignment deadlines; and

· Permitting missed work to be completed.

Contact ODA:

Office of Disability Accommodation

Bond Hall 144, Hattiesburg Campus; Campus Box 8586; 601.266.5024

Additional information regarding the rights of pregnant and parenting students are available on each of the following pages:

Student FAQ

Faculty/Staff Resources

Contact Us

Title IX Office
Hattiesburg Campus
Cook Library Room 129

Gulf Park Campus
Hardy Hall Room 332 (Monday 10 a.m. -2 p.m. or by appointment)


Campus Map



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